Author Archives: admin

Adoption Regulations 2022

The WCD Ministry recently notified Adoption Regulations 2022. In defining the new AR2022, there lay a unique opportunity before CARA in filing up the huge chasm between adoption provisions under HAMA and the JJ Act. However, in ignoring the need of the hour, avoiding the plight of parents waiting for several years and in experimenting

Empowering DMs/ADMs on issuing adoption order– When will we begin walking straight in adoption?

The Union Cabinet on Wednesday gave its nod for amendment in the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 to introduce measures for strengthening the child protection set-up to ensure the best interests of children. The Cabinet approved the proposal from the Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) for amendments seeking authorization

Top Court has erred

The apex court’s dismissal on July 01, 2019 of the plea to extend the protection available to both parents and children for adoptions under the JJ Act to those adoptions effected under HAMA is not just shocking and disappointing, but regressive as well. Adoptions in India are legalized under two legislations. Any Hindu prospective adoptive

Disclosure and Positive Identity

I found that adopting a child was a profound and life-changing experience. It in fact helped me become a better mother to my biological child as well. Akash will be 12 years in two days. Amazing how time flies. Akash still the same affectionate child, who thinks the world of me, my greatest fan and

Take 2 – The Second Adoption

If adopting the first child is a bachelor’s degree in Parenting, adopting your second could well be a Ph.D. Having spoken to several parents who have adopted more than one children, one common theme that stood out was that there was little common between the two experiences. The first child came directly from an agency;

Is Preference a Hindrance?

With average wait time for adopting a child in the most popular category (i.e. a healthy child below 2 years of age) pegged at anywhere between 20-24 months, parents cannot be faulted for being desperate for any piece of advice that can reduce their wait time. The most commonly asked question across forums is –