Adoption Counselling Certification

Get certified as an Adoption Counsellor

A unique online rigorous adoption counselling certification course preparing professionals to guide prospective parents in adoption


Your heart reaches out for every child that is waiting for a family, you specialize in child welfare, you could be a professional in the adoption cycle, or just an experienced parent in adoption. Now is the time to hone up your skills and get certified as a Level 01 Adoption Counsellor.

Did you know that fewer than 10% of parents registered for adoption ever had access to a counsellor. In absence of guidance, data and empathy, many parents get stuck with the legal process, most add months to their wait time on account of inapprorpiate preferences, severa face hardships at the adoption agencies and some opt out of the legal process. There have been cases of dissolution also as parents were not adequatly prepared.

We can change all that. Families of Joy offers a Level 01 Adoption Counselling Certification that enables you to hand hold a parent, apprise them of legal provisions and skills you with counselling techniques to complement your passion for adoption. Come, join our network of counsellors across India to help another child find a family. TODAY.

What does Adoption Counselling Certification entail

  • Level 01 Adoption Counselling Certification trains and prepares you to counsel a prospective adoptive parent seeking to adopt a healthy child below 5 years of age. It does not authorize you to counsel cases relating to adoption of older children, international adoptions or those with special needs. There is a separate guidance on that.
  • To register for the Certification, you need to send us a request by filling up the form given below. Once we receive your request, one of our counsellors will speak to you and upon their recommendation, we shall advise you to enrol for the Certification by making an online payment. The Fee for the Certification is Rs. 5000. Upon successful payment, we shall share a Counselling Kit with you to prepare for the certification.
  • The kit would educate you on extant CARA Regulations, Bare Acts of HAMA, JJ Act and GWA, Landmark Court Cases, FoJ material on adoption, inputs on Positive Adoption Language and other reference material. You will also be connected with other FoJ Counsellors (Whatsapp required) where you can collaborate, share your ideas and queries.
  • Once you are ready with your preparation, you are required to take an Online Evaluation Quiz. A minimum pass score of 80% is required. You can take any of attempts to clear the minimum score.
  • Upon successful completion of the Quiz, you will enter a Counselling Agreement that allows you to counsel PAPs on behalf of FoJ. You will be awarded a Certificate and enrolled as a Counsellor for initial period of 6 months. Your enrolment can be renewed every six months depending upon your participation and interest.
  • Please note that this certification entitles you to counsel PAPs as a FoJ Counsellor only for adopting normal, healthy children below 5 years of age – and not special adoptions, inter-country adoptions or in-family adoptions.

Please send us your request to enroll for the Level 01 Adoption Counselling Certification using the Form below:

Frequently Asked Questions on the Adoption Counselling Certification

Please click on the Question below, to reveal the Answer.

