CARA Process : Eligibility to Adopt

Any parent, single or married an adopt a child from India

The eligibility criteria varies as per the age, gender, marital status and number of existing children of the parent.


  • A parent has to be minimum 25 years of age to adopt
  • The age difference between the parent and the child to be adopted has to be at least 25 years
  • A single parent of age up to 40 years, and a couple of composite age up to 85 years can adopt a child up to 2 years of age
  • A single parent of age up to 45 years and a couple of composite age upt o 90 years can adopt a child between 2 to 4 years
  • A single parent of age upto 50 years, and a couple of composite age up to 100 years can adopt a child between 4 to 8 years of age
  • A single parent of age up to 55 years, and a couple of composite age up to 110 years can adopt a child between 8 to 18 years of age
  • Maximum age for a single parent to adopt is 55 years, and maximum composite age for a couple is 110 years.
  • Maximum age of child that can be adopted is 18 years.

The age criteria for prospective adoptive parents shall not be applicable in case of relative adoptions and
adoption by step-parent.


  • A single male parent can adopt only a male child
  • A single female parent can adopt a child of any gender
  • A married couple can adopt a child of any gender, whether or not they already have a child of any gender

Marital Status

  • Any person whether married or single, can adopt a child. Refer to the Gender column to understand the kind of child they can adopt as a single parent.
  • No child shall be given in adoption to a couple unless they have at least two years of stable marital relationship

Other eligibility conditions:

  • The prospective adoptive parents shall be physically, mentally and emotionally stable, financially capable and shall not have any life threatening medical condition.
  • Couples with two or more children shall not be considered for adoption except in case of special need children, adoption from Immediate Placement category, in case of relative adoption and adoption by step-parent.