Avail our Adoption Readiness Toolkit to get Ready for Adoption in 5 simple steps. You will get to know the legal process and tips for raising a family in adoption. Here is what you need to do, as you start your journey in adoption:
- Understand Adoption – Develop a sound understanding of adoption through our inventory of over 100 videos on our You Tube channel. We bring you perspectives on adoption from other parents, young adoptees, educators, CARA CEO and insights on single parenting, special needs adoption, post adoption support and events related to adoption.
- Acquire Positive Adoption Language – Experience the impact of positive thinking and speaking. Gain confidence as you pick up Positive Adoption Language (PAL).
- Meet other families in Adoption – Assure yourself that adoption is just another way to build a family. Meet other families and be at ease with your choices in adoption. Click here to get the reference of a family in adoption.
- Avail Counselling in adoption – Dispel your myths in adoption, seek answers to your queries and know the options that are right for you. You can book a counseling session here.
- Check your knowledge on adoption – Take the short quiz below to see how you have progressed in your journey in adoption.
We offer guidance, resources, references and tips to prepare you well for your journey in adoption. For example, the video alongside helps you overcome the dilemma of when and how to tell your child about adoption. Fairy tales and Krishna-Yashoda analogy is fine to an extent – but sooner you inculcate your child into the positivity and beauty associated with adoption, easier it would become for the child to deal with adoption. You child’s readiness to face adoption starts with your readiness to understand adoption. It is never too late to enlighten and empower yourself with facts, realities and hidden treasures of adoption.
Take this short quiz to assess your readiness to adopt
If you score above 75% you are READY-TO-ADOPT.
If you score between 50-75%, you may consider gathering some more objective information and revisit some of your ideas around adoption.
If you score below 50%, we strongly recommend you availing guidance from an Adoption Counsellor.