
We are just another F.A.M.I.L.Y.

Families in Adoption are just another family – We go through the same motions of raising our kids, working through school routines, celebrating family events, stressing out on college admissions and hanging out with friends. JOYRIDE offers you a glimpse into the Families of Joy !

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First Day Memories
I was Adopted
Single Parents speaking on their Adoption
An Educator’s views on Adoption

A mother prepares herself for nine months but I prepared myself for five years. My baby grew in my heart. It has been almost two decades since we commenced our beautiful journey and have even expanded our family with adoption of our daughter and our home resonates with giggles and laughter.

Dr Vandana Kumar, New Delhi

It is not true that an older child will have greater bonding challenges. They bring a baggage full of goodness and discipline and I have found them to be bolder than any of the ordinary children brought up in the security of the home and parent

Suja Warrior, Bangalore